Hi, John!
The Colorado Primary is in F I V E days, and we have to do everything in our power to get Bernie elected!
Lucky for you, Denver DSA has five days worth of events so no matter your schedule there's something for you! Absolutely no experience required to be a part of any of these events; we're building a movement and we want everyone there! Here's what you need to know and where you need to be:
Labor for Bernie Canvass
Saturday February 29, 2020 10 AM - 1 PM
Beantree Coffee 12101 E. Iliff Ave. A. Aurora, CO
Join union members, organizers, and other labor activists for a DSA for Bernie canvass! We’ll be talking with our neighbors about why Bernie is the labor candidate and how we can continue the political revolution with DSA. There will be a quick training at the beginning of the canvass to get everyone feeling comfortable and confident!
"What is Medicare for All?" Event
Saturday February 29, 2020 2-4 PM
Mercury Cafe 2199 California St. Denver CO 80205
Join Denver DSA for an afternoon discussing why the wealthiest nation in the world needs Medicare for All (M4A), a healthcare system that prioritizes the health of working-class Americans over the profit of rich elites. This educational event will include an introduction to M4A and a comparison of the various other health insurance plans out there.
March for Bernie
Sunday March 1, 2020 10 AM - 1 PM
Civic Center Park
Feel the Bern with your fellow Denver metro area community members as they march from Civic Center Park to the Colfax campaign office. We'll be canvassing the folks who are marching to talk to them about DSA and why they should join!
A Big Ass Phone Bank
Sunday March 1, 2020 1:30-3:30 PM
Doppio Coffee 1245 E. Colfax Ave. Unit 105 Denver CO 80218
Head on over to Doppio Coffee after the March for Bernie! This is Denver DSA's last chance to phone bank before Super Tuesday, and we want this to be the biggest phone bank we've EVER hosted! Come make history with us, and talk to energized voters to make sure they mailed their ballot or have a plan to vote on Tuesday. Bring a laptop, headphones, and cellphone if you are able! We will have a limited number of extra laptops available as well.
DSA for Bernie/Green New Deal EcoSocialists Canvass
Monday March 2, 2020 6-8 PM
Pauline Robinson Branch Library 5575 E. 33rd Ave. Denver CO 80207
This is it!! The last chance to canvass for Bernie before Super Tuesday. Our amazing EcoSoc Committee is leading this canvass with a special emphasis on the Green New Deal. No experience required! We'll kick off the canvass with a brief training to get everyone feeling comfortable and confident.
Super Tuesday Super Party
Tuesday March 3 2020 7 PM
Monkey Barrel Bar 4401 Tejon St. Denver CO 80211
We have worked HARD. Join us as we celebrate all of our efforts and as we watch the Super Tuesday returns. Win or lose, we'll be all together and ready to jump into action.
With historic wins in Nevada, New Hampshire, and Iowa Bernie has proven that he is the best candidate to help harness the power of a multiracial, multigenerational working class! Now all we gotta do is get him elected in Colorado in beyond. Call, text, email, or Slack me for anything!
Lastly here is the
Phillip Agnew videothat I truly watch every single day to keep me going! Phillip Agnew is a recent member of DSA and is the co-director and co-founder of Dream Defenders, a Florida-based activist group aimed at ending police and prisons founded in the wake of Trayvon Martin’s murder. The anniversary of Trayvon's death was this past Wednesday February 26. Please if you can take a moment today to
celebrate his life and recommit yourself to the fight for justice, the fight to end police brutality, the fight to end poverty, and the fight to protect our planet and our neighbors.
It’s important to remember why we are in this fight – not just to get Bernie to be elected, but to build a better world. Thank you for joining me in this fight, and for doing all that you are to get Bernie elected. Honored to be in this fight with y'all. We've got a world to win!
In love and en solidaridad,
Ellie Rodriguez