Wow. This is devastating.
The day before the South Carolina primary, South Bend Councilman Henry Davis Jr. and South Bend Black Lives Matter leader Jorden Giger published an op-ed in the state's biggest newspaper. They say Pete Buttigieg's tolerance of systemic racism has resulted in multiple "ticking time bombs" in the courts that would help Trump (like the Comey letter in 2016) if Pete were the nominee.
Check it out below -- and share on Twitter and on Facebook so voters in upcoming states are warned. Also today, an editorial in The Root gave Elizabeth Warren's plans to address racism and inequality the highest score of all of candidates, adding "Perhaps no candidate in history ever had a more detailed, comprehensive plan than Elizabeth Warren’s." (Donate to her here.)
-- The PCCC Elections Team
If black voters in SC support Pete Buttigieg, they will only re-elect President Trump
Before South Carolina votes in Saturday’s Democratic Party primary, we feel a duty -- as black leaders who know former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg very well -- to issue a political warning to anyone who cares about defeating President Donald Trump in 2020.
Simply put, if Buttigieg becomes the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee, his candidacy will be damaged by at least three ticking legal time bombs that are set to go off during the 2020 election -- all of which will serve to help Trump depress black voter turnout and win re-election.
Voters deserve to know that there is a pending special prosecutor investigation into the June 2019 death of Eric Logan, an unarmed black man shot by a white South Bend police officer while walking to his mother’s home from a family event. Buttigieg was still mayor when the shooting occurred, and he was forced to leave the presidential campaign trail to face the anger and anguish of our community. The Indiana attorney general’s office says that the special prosecutor’s report on Logan’s death will likely be released soon.
That represents the first ticking legal time bomb hovering over Buttigieg’s campaign.
There is also a wide-ranging federal civil rights lawsuit into systematic racism in the South Bend Police Department while Buttigieg was the city’s mayor. Civil rights law gives plaintiffs broad discovery power to unearth the racist behavior that plagued our community during Buttigieg’s two terms leading South Bend -- and our former mayor may be among those subpoenaed to give a deposition.
That represents the second ticking legal time bomb hovering over Buttigieg’s campaign
And here is the third one that voters deserve to know about: the South Bend City Council brought a pending lawsuit against Buttigieg to demand the release of secret tapes revealing racist and criminal acts, including white police officers plotting against the city’s first black police chief in an attempt to get him fired.
This controversy has drawn national coverage: The New York Times, for example, published an April 2019 article bearing the headline “Pete Buttigieg Fired South Bend’s Black Police Chief. It Still Stings.”
During the 2020 election President Trump will try to suppress the black vote, possibly with help from the Russians. Now just imagine the field day they will have as these Buttigieg-related lawsuits, depositions, subpoenas, reports and other revelations become public throughout the 2020 campaign.
It could resemble the 2016 election furor over Hillary Clinton’s emails, only on steroids. And the furor over the Buttigieg material will be far more warranted, because the systemic racism Buttigieg appeared to tolerate is real.
Before they vote, South Carolinians deserve to know that Buttigieg’s problems with black voters will not go away anytime soon, and that these problems exist for good reason.
Thanks for listening to our voices.
Henry Davis Jr. is serving his third term on the South Bend, Indiana City Council. Jorden Giger is a school teacher and the leader of Black Lives Matter South Bend.
Dems can't afford another 2016.
Sound the alarm by sharing their op-ed on Facebook and on Twitter -- and forward this to people you know who are considering voting for Pete Buttigieg.
And donate to power Elizabeth Warren's campaign here.
Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- The PCCC Elections Team

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