LIMITED TIME TO APPROVE NEW NATIONAL MARINE SANCTUARY: Sign the petition now to permanently protect critical ocean ecosystems and support Tribal demands! >> Add your name!
Oil and gas drilling threats loom over a rare ocean ecosystem in Central California. The proposed Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary is a biodiversity hotspot – with adorable Southern Sea otters, giant gentle whales, and leatherback sea turtles. But this one-of-a-kind habitat remains unprotected from greedy fossil fuel companies.
The Chumash Tribe is leading the effort to designate the National Marine Sanctuary and permanently protect its waters, wildlife, and culturally significant sites from fossil fuel drilling and pollution. The VERY LAST opportunity to submit comments in support of the sanctuary is closing soon! Tell the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration to APPROVE the Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary before your final opportunity closes!
As the first ever Tribal-nominated marine sanctuary, Chumash Heritage would set a precedent for protecting culturally significant coasts and waters. The proposed borders contain ancient, submerged villages and traditional ceremonial sites. Some Chumash elders have been fighting their entire lives for these protections – and now we’re so close.
There is nowhere else in the world like the Chumash Heritage site. Its unique combination of diverse wildlife and culturally significant sites warrant protection from the destructive fossil fuel industry. But you’re running out of time to support the National Marine Sanctuary designation! Please, Friend, will you help amplify the demands of the Chumash Tribe and protect this special marine ecosystem?
Standing with you,
Marcie Keever
Oceans and Vessels Program Director,
Friends of the Earth