From JW Newslink <[email protected]>
Subject Durham Investigators Have Obtained a Taped Interview with Joseph Misfud
Date August 6, 2019 2:56 PM
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Journalist John Solomon: "Durham investigators have now obtained an
audiotape deposition of Joseph Mifsud, where he describes his work,
why he targeted George Papadopoulos ... and why he set that entire
process of introducing Papadopoulos to Russia in motion in March of
2016, which is really the flashpoint the starting point of this whole
Russia collusion narrative,”



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Durham Investigators Have Obtained a Taped Interview with Joseph
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Source: Fox News
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Journalist John Solomon: "Durham investigators have now obtained
an audiotape deposition of Joseph Mifsud, where he describes his work,
why he targeted George Papadopoulos ... and why he set that entire
process of introducing Papadopoulos to Russia in motion in March of
2016, which is really the flashpoint the starting point of this whole
Russia collusion narrative,”

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Background Notes from Judicial Watch

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Judicial Watch Sues State for Obama Ambassador Victoria Nuland’s
Communications On the Anti-Trump Dossier
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Source: Judicial Watch
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Judicial Watch sued after the State Department failed to respond
to a FOIA request seeking communication between Nuland and Professor
Joseph Mifsud, among others. Nuland reportedly “green lit” the
initial meeting about the anti-Trump dossier between Christopher
Steele and FBI agent Michael Gaeta.

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Judicial Watch Sues the Defense Department Over Contracts with
Spygate Figure Stefan Halper
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Source: Judicial Watch
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Halper reportedly offered George Papadopoulos work and a trip to
London to entice him into disclosing information about alleged
collusion between the Russian government and the Trump campaign.

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How the FBI Ran an Illegal Counterintelligence Masquerade in Plot
to Get Trump
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Source: Judicial Watch
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We have the widely reported (FBI designed and orchestrated) events
surrounding Carter Page, George Papadopolous, Stef Halper, Joseph
Mifsud, Alexander Downer, et al. Super Agent Strzok even traveled to
the United Kingdom to grease the skids for a counterintelligence
“dangle” operation.

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Daywatch Updates

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Tom Fitton: A DOJ Spying Investigation would be a Win for the Rule
of Law
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JW President Tom Fitton appeared on “Fox and Friends” on the
Fox News Channel to discuss President Trump’s request for a DOJ
probe into whether the FBI infiltrated his campaign.

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