Dear John,
We need your help TODAY on an urgent issue coming to the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives.
You know we are working to pass the FIGHT Act to amend the National Animal Fighting Law to provide more tools for federal law enforcement to crack down on dogfighting and cockfighting. We are also seeking more funding for enforcement.
As soon as today, the U.S. House of Representatives may take up the Neguse-Buchanan Amendment to a key spending bill to stipulate that at least $1 million must be spent on police work on animal fighting. That will translate into hundreds of hours of dedicated time to break down animal fighting networks and put dogfighters and cockfighters out of action.
I hope you will call your U.S. Representative right now at 202-225-3121 and urge your lawmaker to vote “YES” on the Neguse-Buchanan amendment to the Agriculture spending bill to provide real monies for enforcement of our nation’s most important anti-cruelty law.
Animal fighting is a curse. It’s malice at work. It’s unjustifiable in any place where rational thought counts.
And that’s why we are fighting so hard to stop it.
Five years ago, with the 2018 Farm bill, we took a giant stride toward achieving our goal of an animal-fighting-free nation. We worked to extend the ban on staged animal fights to every inch of U.S. terrain. With a single Congressional act, we extended the national ban on cockfighting to apply to Puerto Rico, Guam, and all other U.S. territories.
We knew that fight was the end—but only the end of the beginning.
We knew the next crucial test of our work would be enforcement of the rule of law. To our great dismay, the federal government has conducted no enforcement actions on Guam or in Puerto Rico or Oklahoma even though we’ve given a roadmap to dismantling cockfighting pits and gamecock farms in the territories and in the state that is America’s “cockfighting capital.”
The good news is, our investigations and our sharing of that information with authorities has helped spur more animal fighting interdictions than ever before—in Alabama, Kentucky, Georgia, California, and Texas, at the Mexico border.
But the feds have been passive in so many places, including Oklahoma, Puerto Rico and Guam.
Driven by the inadequacy of enforcement at the federal level, we’ve gone back to Congress to strengthen the federal law. We want to create more tools to enforce it. That’s the purpose of the FIGHT Act.
The FIGHT Act creates a private right of action against cockfighters. Citizens can sue dogfighters and cockfighters in civil court if law enforcement doesn’t act on credible information about illegal fighting activities. The FIGHT Act also bans shipping fighting birds through the U.S. mail, and that’s significant because our investigations have uncovered a massive trade of animals transported by that means. FIGHT also bans gambling on on-line cockfights, which is a $13-billion-a-year enterprise in the Philippines alone.
But that’s not enough. We need actual enforcement dollars and that’s what the Neguse-Buchanan amendment will allow.
Please make the call to 202-225-3121 right now to your U.S. Representative and urge your lawmaker to vote “YES” on the Neguse-Buchanan amendment.
And while you’re focused on this issue, take a moment to write to all of your federal lawmakers in support of the FIGHT Act.
And I also hope you’ll donate today to support our Animal Fighting Is the Pits campaign. If we cannot stop these forms of despicable and illegal cruelty, how can we address other structural problems such as factory farming, animal testing, the fur trade, and others?
We must finish off animal fighting. Will you commit to joining us in this task?
For the animals,
Wayne Pacelle
Animal Wellness Action