Ground Game Texas


Just when Texas politics get a little depressing, we find another reason for hope that social change is possible. The latest: a marijuana decriminalization petition campaign in Lubbock, Texas!

Some of you may think of Lubbock as a place of West Texas conservative stronghold, and you wouldn’t be wrong, but it’s also a place with a major university (Texas Tech), a growing and increasingly diverse population, and community groups like Lubbock Compact, our partner, who are working towards equity and social justice.

Ground Game Texas is building partnerships with community groups across Texas to encourage voter engagement and support grassroots organizing. Chip in $25 or more today so we can build progressive infrastructure and lay the foundation for political change. 

Last week, we made big news in Lubbock by releasing a new report that shows the terrible racial disparities in local marijuana enforcement. Based on data acquired by Ground Game’s research program, the report demonstrates that Black Lubbock residents suffer 29% of marijuana possession arrests while comprising only 8% of the population, and Latino residents are also subject to disproportionate enforcement, suffering 49% of arrests while comprising 37% of the population. National research shows that marijuana usage is roughly equivalent across racial and ethnic groups, but the Lubbock police don’t see it that way.

That’s why we are supporting Lubbock Compact in executing a marijuana reform petition campaign. In addition to providing research and communication support, we are helping their petition efforts by providing coaching, data analysis, and various campaign tools that we’ve developed across our city campaigns. The local campaign for “Freedom Act Lubbock” is making a big splash, and we’re happy to be part of it.

Help us provide more technical assistance to grassroots groups that are working for change across Texas. Pitch in to Ground Game Texas today! 

Thank you for your continued support. We are making a difference!

Together in the struggle,

Catina Voellinger (she/her/ella)
COO, Ground Game Texas