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Dear Press Freedom Supporter, 
This year, we’ve witnessed record-breaking heat, wildfires producing plumes of toxic smoke, and storm surges that have caused deadly floods.

The planet is changing; and it’s journalists who keep us informed about what’s happening in our increasingly volatile environment—often at great personal risk.

Reporters wade through flood waters as it inundates the down
Reporters stand in flood waters in Tarpon Springs, Florida this August in the aftermath of Hurricane Idalia. (Getty/Joe Raedle)

That’s why at CPJ we regularly provide safety guidance to journalists who bring us news about our changing planet, recognizing that they often travel to dangerous fire or flood locations to give us the information that we need to make decisions about our own safety. In recent years, CPJ has noted a significant uptick in the frequency of journalists reporting on these events.

In recent months, we have shared CPJ’s safety guidance for reporting on flash flooding, covering wildfires, and extreme weather to support journalists who have been covering these events in the U.S., Canada, China, Greece, India, Pakistan, South Korea, Turkey, and more.

Reporting on extreme weather and climate devastation poses risks to journalists’ physical and digital safety, as well as their mental health. As we hear from journalists reporting on the frontlines of these climate catastrophes, we are also witnessing an increased need for trauma support. After all, many journalists who cover these crises are local people reporting on their own communities around the world.

CPJ stands with these journalists, ensuring they can do their jobs safely while also protecting their emotional well-being. Your kind support—especially through a monthly donation—helps guarantee we can continue to do that work.

Thank you for standing with us and please stay safe.

Lucy Westcott
Emergencies Director

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Committee to Protect Journalists
P.O. Box 2675
New York, NY 10108 - United States