A former domestic worker of South Africa’s ambassador to Japan, Smuts Ngonyama has come forward with allegations of abuse by the ambassador’s wife and former director of the Department of Social Development Nokwazi Ngonyama. The alleged abuse against Tandiswa Tokwe took place while she was working at the ambassador’s diplomatic residence in Tokyo and the couple has since wanted to silence her. The incident is known to the Department of International Relations and Cooperation, was investigated and the department believes it is a private matter between and employer and employee.
‘’Sonke calls for a clear policy from the Department of International Relations and Cooperation for the protection of workers. There's been several similar cases reported against ambassadors or members of their families for untold forms of abuse. We also trust that the criminal justice system will ensure that Tokwe’s matter is dealt with adequately and transparently to ensure that she receives justice. No place for non-disclosure agreements on human rights violations by those who should know and act better.” said Bafana Khumalo, Co-Executive Director, Sonke Gender Justice and Co-Chairperson, Global MenEngage Alliance.