Hi Friends,
For the past several years we have encouraged our members and the public to participate in our 30 Day Plastic Free Challenge from October 1 to October 30.
Over the years there have been hundreds and hundreds of people who have joined the challenge. For some, it was making small changes, for others enormous changes in their lifestyle and habits. From the feedback each year, it was a learning and rewarding experience.
This year, as we did last year, we are encouraging people to participate in the challenge, but not just with a plastic free challenge -- with a no waste/low waste challenge as well. You don’t need to sign up, and fill out a form. If 30 days seems too daunting, no problem, try for 21 days or whatever you would like to try. Think of ways you can eliminate plastic, and reduce waste and then try it.
Each week, there will be blogs emailed to you with helpful and useful ways to achieve being plastic free and moving towards zero waste.
Use the information from our blog posts and also take the opportunity to encourage others to join you. We have had participation in the challenge from offices, to families, groups of friends, etc. Doing the challenge with a group is a great way to stay accountable and to help each other strive towards your goals.
Hope you will join the challenge. For those that have been moving towards zero waste and a plastic free lifestyle make the 30 days your zero waste month, for those just starting out on the journey, take the 30 days to explore this lifestyle and try a few ways to reduce your plastic consumption and waste less.
Start your plastic free challenge by doing a plastics audit. Save all the plastic that comes into your home for a week. Save the plastic whether it is able to be recycled or not. Take a picture of it, or weigh it, or count it it, whatever method will give you a good idea of where the plastic is coming from and how much plastic you accumulate.
Once you know where the plastic is coming from , it is easier to be able to eliminate some of it.
See you at our October 5th General Meeting at 7:30pm. Look for details coming soon.
Sustainability yours,