From Sydney Gallego <[email protected]>
Subject Long days
Date September 25, 2023 10:15 PM
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Hey friend, it’s Sydney. Ruben’s wife.

Snapped this pic when Ruben wasn’t looking the other day: On campaign calls with baby Isla in his arms.

Ruben’s got a lot on his plate:

An important job in Congress fighting against radicals in the House GOP. Another job fighting to win Arizona’s Senate race, to hold the majority and — quite literally — save our democracy.

But when he comes home, he’s Michael and Isla’s dad.

These early days are so important, and Ruben’s done such a great job.

But I know it isn’t easy. And I know he’s got a big FEC deadline coming up at the end of the month.

It would mean a lot to me if you could make a contribution to Ruben’s campaign. And it would give a lot of peace of mind to Ruben as he continues this important work.

Please: Contribute to Ruben Gallego's campaign. He can’t win this race without your support.

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Thanks for being an important part of Ruben’s team.

All my best,

Sydney Gallego

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