We have been warning that the MAGA Republican shutdown threat could lead to Social Security cuts. Last week Speaker McCarthy confirmed that the House would try to force the Senate and President Biden to accept a budget that sets up a fast-tracked, closed-door commission to cut Social Security and Medicare, and cuts $2 Trillion from Medicaid as a down payment.
When we talk to our allies in the Capital, they all say the same thing: They haven’t heard from many of their constituents on this, even after President Biden called the commission a "Death panel for Medicare and Social Security."
Can you take a minute and call your Representative?
Text NOCUTS to 76021 to be connected to your Representative in the House.
Here’s what you can say:
My name is NAME, I am a constituent. I want my representative to reject any budget that slashes Medicaid, and publicly oppose any plan to create a closed-door commission to cut Social Security and Medicare.
Thank you.
Remember: Be polite, even if you live in a district represented by a Republican.
After you call, if you can, please consider becoming a member of Social Security Works to fund our fight back.
Thank you,
Michael, Alex, Nancy, Jon, Linda and the whole Social Security Works team