John, our court case suing the state of Florida over its blatant gerrymandering starts TOMORROW. We need your help to win this case.
Can I count on you to rush a gift of $3 or more to help us cover the costs of this trial and secure a better democracy for us all?
John, we’re suing the state of Florida to ensure ALL voters have the same opportunity to elect a candidate who shares their experience – regardless of what they look like or where they live.
Right now, Black Floridians are being silenced by the congressional voting map Gov. DeSantis forced through last year. That map was drawn to “crack” some Black communities by dividing them up across different districts – all with the goal of weakening the overall voice of Black voters.
Our lawsuit in federal court argues that Ron DeSantis and his backers in the Florida legislature intentionally and illegally weakened the voting power of Black Floridians.
This comes amid the DeSantis Administration’s broader attacks on Black communities – from its attempts to erase Black history from our classrooms to its targeting of Black voters and the community organizations that support them.
We can’t ignore this blatant discrimination. This is why Common Cause Florida joined together with our voting rights partners to sue the DeSantis Administration in federal court. Our mission? Expose how this intentional racial gerrymander violates the U.S. Constitution and send it to the dustbin of history where it belongs.
Our trial is slated to begin in just ONE DAY. But we still need to raise money to cover the costs.
That’s why I’m counting on you, John, and every Common Cause member, to chip in for the resources required to fight against racial gerrymandering. Can you make a contribution today?
Elections should be determined by voters, not politicians who manipulate voting maps. This was a brazen and unconstitutional attempt to thwart our nation’s promises of the freedom to vote and equal protection under the law. We brought this case because Black voters in Florida have a right to have their votes matter.
I know you agree that fair representation is worth fighting for – and I hope we can count on you, John.
Thank you for stepping up today to help us fight this discriminatory map.
Kathay Feng, Vice President of Programs
and the team at Common Cause