For Geller Report readers who observe and fast, G'mar hatimah tovah. Tzom kal. Have a safe and easy fast. Maybe your name be sealed in the Book of Life. This is an excellent piece in the Jewish Journal. Excerpt: All this weighs heavily on American Jewry ...
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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The Day of Atonement
For Geller Report readers who observe and fast, G'mar hatimah tovah. Tzom kal. Have a safe and easy fast. Maybe your name be sealed in the Book of Life.

This is an excellent piece in the Jewish Journal.


All this weighs heavily ...

ISLAMIC TERROR ON YOM KIPPUR: Four Attacks on Eve Of Judaism’s Highest Holy day
Despite the world's continual denial, the war against the Jewish state is a religious war as mandated in Islamic text and teachings. Until the root cause of this holy war is recognized and addressed, bloodshed, death and suffering will continue and ...

Cancers Appearing in ‘Ways Never Seen Before’ After Covid Shots, Top Expert Warns
There is hard evidence that cancers are occurring in excess after people receive COVID-19 vaccinations.

“Dr. Risch also talked about the aspect of official medical agencies not recognizing someone as being vaccinated inside the first two ...

TREMENDOUS VICTORY: In 58-2 Vote, Texas GOP Calls for House Speaker Dade Phelan to Resign
The Republican Party of Texas has approved a resolution calling for Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan to RESIGN OR FACE A VOTE TO VACATE the chair..

Vote tally was a whopping 58-2 with only Bill Fairbrother and Morgan Graham voting against the ...

Democrat Regime’s Disinformation Governance Board Sought to Censor Opposing Views on Racial Justice, the Afghan Withdrawal and Other Political Subjects
This is a government at war against its own people.

The Defunct Disinformation Governance Board Sought to Censor Opposing Views on Racial Justice, the Afghan Withdrawal and Other Political Subjects

By: Jonathan Turley, September 24, 2023: ...

Indicted for Bribery and Corruption NJ Senator Menendez Spent Years Helping Developer and Imam Behind Grotesque Ground Zero Mosque
New Jersey Senator Senator Bob Menendez is facing charges of taking gold bars and bribes and stashing hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash around his house in return for using his “power and influence” — including his position as chairman ...

BIDEN: “I’ve directed my team to make a HISTORIC INCREASE in the number of refugees”
Two and a half million illegals in 2023 alone.

This Is How They Will Steal 2024

RELATED: DEMOCRATS’ INVASION: 35,000 Illegals Cross U.S. Border in Just 4 Days

President Donald Trump says he will carry out the ‘largest domestic ...

Cracked Segregationist Joe Biden calls rapper LL Cool J ‘boy’ while speaking to Congressional Black Caucus
Old habits die hard. And it won't matter. Democrats are the party of slavery, Jim Crow etc and the black community, victims of their destructive policies, continue to vote for these villains.

Biden butchers LL Cool J's name before referring to ...

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