This week we talked with Andrea Suarez, Founder and Executive Director of the non-profit volunteer organization We Heart Seattle. In a very short time the group has made a significant impact in cleaning up encampments and helping people get off the streets.
Shift Washington
The team here at Shift WA has been working to shift the political debate in Washington state since 2013. We’ve spent the last decade providing people like you with the facts and perspectives needed to hopefully make a difference in your community. So, as always, we will help keep you-up-to-date with an item or two of interest from your own backyard. Read on...

This week’s Newsmaker Interview...
This week we talked with Andrea Suarez, Founder and Executive Director of the non-profit volunteer organization We Heart Seattle. In a very short time the group has made a significant impact in cleaning up encampments and helping people get off the streets.  Created during the height of the COVID pandemic in 2020 when homeless encampments were filling Seattle’s parks, sidewalks, and other public places, We Heart Seattle challenged the status quo regarding how best to help those struggling with drugs and homelessness.  Along the way, they have encountered protests by a small group of extremists as volunteers have cleaned up encampments and attempted to help those who were suffering. Read more...

This week’s top story…
We assume part of Governor Inslee's decision to take a carbon polluting flight to the U.N. was to get away from the increasingly louder local noise over his costly cap-and-tax scheme and the Washington Policy Center’s case that “Governor Inslee’s office and others in his administration are upset that we and others refer to the cost of the CO2 allowances in the law as a ‘tax.’ The governor’s office and others have resorted to some very convoluted language and logic to avoid using that politically powerful word.” Read more...

In case you missed it…
Leave it to the local paper to put the finishing touches on the Democrat plan to let the courts do their re-districting dirty work. That’s the take from the Yakima Herald editorial page, which writes that “(W)hatever happens with the District 15 boundaries from here, somebody won’t be happy, so more suits or appeals could be in the works soon. We wouldn’t be surprised if the courts were still haggling over this one when the next census comes around.” However, the local paper takes a dim view of the Dems’ motivation for the lawsuit, pointing out that “some Democrats — particularly those who live west of the Cascade Range — seem confident that a clear Latino majority in the 15th would automatically add a nice hue of blue to Central Washington. But they’re living in a fantasy world if they take for granted that Latinos will lean left.” Read more...

Governor Inslee's pennies can sure add up...