Paid for by Arizona Democrats

Tom Horne and his extremist Republican agenda are at it again.

This time he’s going after dual language programs, which students in over 20 Arizona school districts rely on.

Tom Horne is using his position to attack dual language programs and enact an extremist right-wing agenda. Will you sign on today to stand up for the thousands of students who depend on dual language programs?


Instead of investing in a proven educational program that has supported Spanish-speaking Arizona students, Horne is threatening to withhold funding to any district that doesn’t use an immersion program. He’s also encouraging parents to file frivolous and xenophobic lawsuits against districts using a dual language curriculum.

Our classrooms aren’t battlegrounds for culture wars. Our children deserve learning environments that are tailored to their success, both academically and personally.

Team — Stand up for dual language students today and sign our petition to protect dual language programs.


— Arizona Democratic Party