Tari A. of Long Beach used to receive $300 a month in SNAP benefits to help buy groceries. She was able to afford canned food, bread, and vegetables, and even a hot meal from a fast food place once a month.
But then the pandemic benefits ran out in March, and her SNAP allotment was cut in half.(1) And if the so-called Freedom Caucus gets its way in the coming week, Tari and tens of thousands of others in need won’t receive money for food at all.(2)
The Freedom Caucus is holding the government hostage, refusing to fund the budget if Congress doesn’t agree to drastic cuts to SNAP, Head Start, Meals on Wheels, Pell Grants, and other programs that we all work for. They’re willing to shut the government down, which will happen on October 1 if an appropriations bill isn’t passed -- but if our representatives would get together and do what’s best for the American people, they can overrule the MAGA Freedom Caucus and keep the government running and fully funded.
Courage California has already sent thousands of letters to Speaker Kevin McCarthy, telling him to stop letting the Freedom Caucus put the nation at risk. Now we need to write the rest of our representatives and tell them to do their jobs.
Will you send a letter to your representative now and demand they stand up to extremists and invest in communities?
Not only does the Freedom Caucus want to cut programs that support our veterans, children, and rural families, they want to cut taxes even further for the wealthiest -- Trump Tax Cuts 2.0.
No way.
Food costs are too high, housing is too scarce, and retirement is too unattainable for too many people right now. We cannot afford one more bill that makes things harder for for senior citizens or working families, especially for the benefit of billionaires.
Congress needs to hear from us right now. All it would take is a handful of Democrats getting together with a handful of moderate Republicans to stand up for the American people and stop the runaway MAGA Freedom Caucus. Click below to write to your representative right now, before the government shutdown begins.
Click here to write to your representative today!
Thank you for joining the fight.
–Irene, along with Angela, Annie, Isidra, Jen, and Lindsay (and the rest of the Courage team)
Footnotes: 1. 2.  |