Hey there,

My team just gave me an update on our monthly fundraising goal and they’re a bit worried about missing it. So, I told them I’d reach out to this incredible grassroots team before the day ends.

If you’ve got any change to spare, can you chip in toward our end-of-month goal? The deadline is tomorrow so anything you can give will go a long way.

Donate now

You might be surprised to hear this, folks, but donations to emails just like this one make up a huge part of our budget. Good thing, too -- because if you know me, you know I hate making those damn fundraising calls.

Every dollar you give toward this email helps keep me focused on doing my job in the Senate to fight for everyday folks like you -- not dialing for dollars.

That’s why I’m counting on you to pitch in a donation of whatever you can afford before our end-of-month deadline tomorrow.

Donate now

Most of my colleagues in Washington don’t have the luxury of relying on grassroots donors like you. I cannot tell you how grateful I am for your support.

