From Ruben Gallego for Senate <[email protected]>
Subject How can we get through to you?
Date September 24, 2023 1:14 PM
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Let us just state the obvious: if you're anything like us, your inbox is filled with messages from campaigns and organizations trying to raise money before this FEC fundraising deadline ends.

It can be impossible to cut through the clutter -- and for you it's probably a bit tough determining who to contribute to and which emails to delete.

Please give us a chance to explain why you should consider making a contribution to Ruben Gallego's Senate campaign today.

First, we have to keep Kari Lake out of the Senate. She is not just a far-right Republican vote, but she is a threat to our democracy. We're counting on the fact you know that and agree.

Next, Arizona is a hugely important state. Not just because of this Senate race, but because if Ruben loses, Joe Biden almost surely does as well. It's a two-for-one.

Finally, we gotta replace Kyrsten Sinema. She's a vote for the people who fund her campaigns: the hedge funders, the drug companies and more. She has derailed so many key parts of the Biden agenda. We can replace her with a good vote on the issues you care about.

But here's why it's so important we get through to you. Because Ruben can't raise the money he needs to WIN without your help. Unlike other campaigns, there's no way around it here.

So we hope you'll choose Ruben today. And when he wins this race, please think back to the donation you made today as a big reason why.

Can you please contribute whatever you can afford today, to Ruben Gallego's campaign for Senate? The amount isn't even as important as the donation itself. It will all add up fast if we're all chipping in.

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Thank you in advance for opening, reading, and donating today.

Ruben Gallego for Senate

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