Sunday’s Coming Premium: Just $4.95 per month

from the editors of the Christian Century

For preachers and teachers

Get ready for preaching and teaching with Sunday’s Coming Premium, a paid lectionary resource delivered by email every Monday morning. 

Deepen your lectionary knowledge

Every issue of Sunday’s Coming Premium is a hand-curated resource of the best of the Century’s abundant archives, organized by lectionary Sunday for busy preachers, teachers, worship planners, small group leaders, students, and other learners.

No matter your role, you’ll find fresh inspiration in every issue, which features a new full-text reflection, hand-picked articles related to each of the assigned readings, and an assortment of other links and resources related to themes arising from the week or season of the church calendar.

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Research at hand every Monday

With Sunday’s Coming Premium, you receive a concise but thought-provoking summary of the week’s texts straight to your inbox every Monday morning, so you can get a head start on weekly worship planning and sermon preparation.

Just $4.95 per month

Subscriptions are $4.95 per month; once you sign up, you’ll be billed every month until you decide to cancel, which you can do at any time. Your first issue will arrive on the Monday following your purchase.

Give yourself the gift of preparation and sign up for Sunday’s Coming Premium now.

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