Dear John,
Prop. 13 bond will bring $15 billion to ensure our schools are safe
There’s nothing more important than safe and modern schools to provide a successful learning environment for our students. That’s exactly why educators, school workers, parents, and school supporters strongly support Prop. 13, the school safety bond.
The bond, which bears no relation to Prop. 13 from 1978, will bring in $15 billion to ensure that we provide healthy, safe, and educationally appropriate school infrastructure for our children and students.
Deep pockets are spending big to stop the Prop. 13 bond, trying to confuse voters and stop this important investment in our schools. It’s up to us to make sure it passes. Learn more about the school safety bond.
Take the pledge to vote your values!
It’s never been more important to stand up for fully funded, accessible, and equitable schools. As educators, classified professionals, and faculty, we’re committed to our students, our communities, and each other. Our voice makes a difference for quality public education—we’re stronger together.
Please take the CFT pledge to vote your values and be a voice for public education in California.
Quick guide to compare education proposals of the presidential candidates
The AFT has produced this helpful guide comparing the education proposals of the eight leading Democratic presidential candidates in advance of the March 3 California primary. The guide includes each candidate’s stance on education funding, affordable higher education, early childhood education, and charters and vouchers.
For more information on the candidates and their platforms, check out CFT’s presidential election information page. The page contains detailed fact sheets on the candidates, survey results, a link to the MSNBC Public Education Forum, and more.
Ready to fill out your ballot? Check out the CFT voter guide

Ready to sit down and mark your ballot this weekend? Make sure to check out
CFT’s Educators Choice voter guide. The guide contains recommendations from CFT and our local unions on candidates and initiatives for state and local races throughout the state.