From Gallego for Arizona <[email protected]>
Subject 7 Days
Date September 23, 2023 9:42 PM
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7 days.

Ruben Gallego needs as many donations as we can generate over the next 7 days if we are going to reach our goals before this FEC fundraising deadline comes to a close at midnight on September 30th.

We’ve had a historic campaign so far. You’ve been a part of that. But this month just hasn’t gone how we need it to.

That’s why Ruben needs you to contribute today. When that deadline hits in 7 days we’re legally required to report our fundraising numbers. And you already know that Kyrsten Sinema and Kari Lake will be watching.

So what do you say? Can Ruben count on you?

Please make a contribution to Ruben Gallego’s campaign for U.S. Senate. Believe us: We wouldn’t be asking if this wasn’t so important to this campaign and our chances at success.

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Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Team Gallego

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