We asked, you answered: Keep teaching cursive, dozens of our readers thundered after reading this story. Even William Coxe, a retired lawyer who has seen more garbage than gifted handwriting, makes this point: “It doesn’t have to be fancy. ... It just has to be easy to read and something that the writer should be proud of.” Reader Timaree Cheney says the cursive train has already left the station: “Printing is much easier to read and most people just type anyhow these days. Cursive could be taught as an art form and I’d be happy with that.”
Today’s soundtrack: The Ghost in You, Robyn Hitchcock
This newsletter has been curated and edited by David Beard, Hannah Farrow, Nancy San Martín, and Jen Tse. Amanda Williams-Bryant, Alisher Egamov, Rita Spinks, and Jeremy Brandt-Vorel also contributed this week. Thanks for reading!