Friend, we were hoping to share a positive update on our fight to protect gray wolves and the wilderness habitats they need to thrive in honor of National Public Lands Day. But instead, this is disturbing news. And we have to face it to move our urgent work forward.
Bloodthirsty trophy hunters shot down three young gray wolves near the Colorado-Wyoming border, brutally murdering them all. To make this tragedy even worse, these special wolves were some of Colorado’s FIRST wild-born pups in more than 80 YEARS. Now, their surviving pack mates are at even greater risk for being hunted and deliberately DESTROYED.
The situation gets bleaker. The trophy hunting lobby is doubling down on attacking the Endangered Species Act. This legislation is our strongest tool in the fight to protect vulnerable species and the lands they call home. But Friends of the Earth won’t stand aside while trophy hunters go after vulnerable animals and wreak havoc on our wilderness ecosystems.
We’ve set an urgent goal to raise $60,000 in honor of National Public Lands Day to continue our fight to protect threatened species and the only planet we’ll ever get. Earth’s most vulnerable inhabitants need our help, and we must stand up on their behalf. So please, before National Public Lands Day ends, will you make a membership gift of $27 or more to Friends of the Earth to help protect priceless species, the habitats they need to thrive, and our planet?
The awful news of these wolf killings comes after federal protections for gray wolves were slashed. That tragically unleashed a massive KILLING SPREE that claimed the lives of hundreds of these majestic creatures. Now, despite a partial restoration of legal protections in some areas, vital wolf populations are still vulnerable to senseless slaughter at the hands of merciless trophy hunters.
If that weren’t enough, dirty industries like Big Oil and Gas plus logging and mining companies are joining forces with the trophy hunting lobby. Together, their anti-environment coalition could weaken the Endangered Species Act and greenlight unprecedented destruction of wolves’ wilderness habitats – all for the extraction of planet-killing fossil fuels.
Friends of the Earth is fighting with everything we have to protect the Endangered Species Act in service of wolves and our planet. Our goal is to shield our last surviving wolves and other vulnerable species from senseless violence and block destructive industries like Big Oil, logging, and factory farming from destroying vital habitats for profits. But we can't continue this urgent work without your support.
Please: We can't afford to fall short of our National Public Lands Day goal. Will you make your membership gift of $27 or more now to help Friends of the Earth fight back against anti-environment special interests and protect our planet and its inhabitants for generations to come?
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Thank you for your urgent support,
Raena Garcia
Senior Fossil Fuels and Lands Campaigner
Friends of the Earth