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At an epic CNN Town Hall Wednesday, Elizabeth Warren declared we have "one
chance to make transformative change in the country...We better have
somebody who has a proven track record for getting things done."
[ [link removed] ]WATCH Warren tell how both she [ [link removed] ]WATCH Warren on the difference
and Bernie Sanders wanted to rein in between Sanders’ approach to Medicare
Wall Street -- but she is the one For All and her strategy to actually
who fought for and won major reform. get it does.
[ [link removed] ]Turn on images to see Warren at [ [link removed] ]Turn on images to see Warren at
the CNN Town Hall. the CNN Town Hall
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Twitter. Twitter.
At the debate earlier this week, Elizabeth Warren said, "Bernie and I
agree on a lot of things, but I think I would make a better president than
Bernie…I will be an effective president."
[ [link removed] ]If you understand that Elizabeth Warren is our chance to make big,
transformative, structural change, donate $3 or $10 to her campaign and
our work to elect her.
On Wall Street, Warren told the CNN audience:
"Bernie and I both wanted to reign in Wall Street. Saw it was a real
problem. 2008 was the financial crash and, frankly, the big chance….and I
was the one who dug in, came up with the good ideas, fought the banks,
fought Wall Street, built the coalitions. And with President Obama, got
the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau passed into law….That little
agency has now forced the banks to return more than $12 billion to people
they cheated."
When asked about Medicare For All, Warren said this:
"Bernie put forward a Medicare for All plan. It is a great central
idea….Bernie's plan doesn't explain how you get from here to there. It
doesn't explain how we bring in the extra allies that we'll need, how we
build the coalitions that we need. And it doesn't explain how to pay for
it. I did all of those things because for me if you really want to get
something done, you better have a plan, show your work, and get out and
fight for it."
Elizabeth Warren is the only candidate who is a bold progressive, is
effective, and can defeat Trump.
[ [link removed] ]If you understand that Elizabeth Warren is our chance to make big,
transformative, structural change, donate $3 or $10 to her campaign and
our work to elect her.
Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- The PCCC Elections Team
Paid for by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee PAC (www.BoldProgressives.org) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to the PCCC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
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