Tell Congress:
Hands off Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid!
Republicans have released their budget proposal, which they plan to pass before September 30th as the only option for averting a government shutdown. While it doesn’t cut Social Security and Medicare immediately, they do plan to slash nearly $2 trillion from Medicaid―and create a closed-door commission empowered to cut Social Security and Medicare.
President Biden has rightly called such a commission1 a “death panel for Medicare and Social Security.” We must make our voices heard to save Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security!
Take action: Tell Congress to stop the Social Security death panels!
The only reason to make changes to Social Security via a closed-door, fast-track commission is if you’re trying to cut benefits and blame someone else. The American people love Social Security, and even 73% of Republicans want it to be expanded, not cut. Instead of cowering in a closet, politicians should listen to the people and expand benefits.
Republicans desperately want Democrats to provide cover for Social Security cuts, which are rightfully unpopular with voters of all parties. That’s why their budget calls for a 'bipartisan' commission. Democrats should refuse to cooperate, and Congress should drop the idea altogether.
Tell Congress: Hands off Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid!
Thank you,
Michael Phelan Social Security Works
P.S. Can you make a donation to help us crush this commission before it takes shape? Even $7 makes a huge difference.