It's time to tell the Big Three: Record Profits Mean Record Contracts

Ilhan for Congress

Friends -

On September 14, union contracts for nearly 150,000 UAW autoworkers at the Big Three U.S. car manufacturers — Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis (formerly Chrysler) expired.

Just yesterday, UAW significantly ramped up their stand-up strike strategy, with workers at 38 parts-distribution centers in 20 states walking off the job and onto the picket lines.

The UAW's message to the Big Three is simple: Record profits mean record contracts. Here are the members' demands:

The Big Three have made nearly a quarter of a trillion dollars — yes, trillion with a "t" — in profits over the past 10 years.

Last year alone, Ford, GM, and Stellantis spent $9 billion on stock buybacks, and provided their three CEOs with a combined $75 million in compensation.

Meanwhile, 150,000 workers whose labor created these profits struggle to afford the food on their tables, health care for their families, or to retire in dignity.

The simple truth is that if the Big Three can rake in record-breaking profits, provide obscene executive bonus packages, and spend billions on buybacks and dividends for their shareholders, they sure as hell can provide their workers with fair pay, stronger benefits, and better conditions on the job.

Now is the time for our progressive movement to show solidarity with striking workers across the country fighting to put power back in the hands of working people.

It's going to take the strength and unity of all of us to win what UAW autoworkers and all workers across the country deserve, so please:

Add your name to UAW's petition and tell the Big Three: Record Profits Mean Record Contracts. Their fight is our fight — and your support is so important to the future of the labor movement in this country.


In solidarity,

Team Ilhan


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Ilhan for Congress
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Washington D.C., 20033