Your Intentions: Feast Day Holy Mass, 9/23

Dear Friend,
Today marks the Twenty-first
Anniversary of the Celebration of the Feast Day of our beloved St.
Padre Pio.
Throughout the years, we have come
to know why he is often called a “miracle worker.” Hundreds of
thousands of testimonies describe: pain stopping instantly, a baby
born perfectly, waking up from a long coma – healed, financial
blessings, new employment, lump disappeared, serious depression gone –
this is just a small sampling.
How do the deepest desires of our
hearts get answered by God? Here is a suggestion:
“Humility and purity are the wings
which carry us to God and make us almost divine.” St. Padre
Here are the Day Three prayers where we learn what St. Padre Pio
did for others and how we can follow his example.
If you haven’t had a chance to submit
your intentions or would like to update them, for the September 23
Feast Day Holy Mass, please do so now.
Let us invoke St. Padre Pio, who
imitated Jesus Christ throughout his life.
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family
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