I am heartbroken to have to deliver this news to you about Donald Trump. Under pressure from the Left, he seems to have changed his mind on abortion. He now says that Heartbeat Bills – which protect unborn babies with detectable heartbeats – are a “terrible thing.” They are not “terrible”, they are the BARE MINIMUM anyone pro-life should ever accept! How much harder will it be for pro-life activists to save the lives of unborn babies if Donald Trump is fighting for the other side? You and I must urge him to reconsider his position and commit to protecting the unborn once again. With Democrats pushing abortion up until the moment of birth, I shudder to think how much success they will have if even Donald Trump refuses to fight back against them. In order to fight back against their sick agenda, the pro-life movement must have all hands on deck.
Please click here to sign the petition urging Donald Trump to reconsider his position on abortion and take a public stand to protect life from the moment of conception.
Trump must hear from us now before he makes this terrible mistake again.
Sincerely, Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. If you have already signed, please share the petition with your friends. Here's the email we sent you earlier on this:
 Donald Trump has come out against protecting unborn babies with heartbeats, labeling such bare minimum laws “terrible”, and even against 15-week bans that only prevent late-term abortion. If Donald Trump joins forces with the pro-abortion Left, it will be far more difficult for the pro-life movement to save babies from the gruesome violence of abortion. Please sign this petition urging Trump to reconsider his position, and come out in favor of protecting unborn babies from the moment of conception, when they first become a human life. SIGN THE PETITION |
Dear John,
You’ll never believe what Trump just said on national television. In an interview on NBC’s Meet the Press, Trump told the nation that Heartbeat Bills – which protect unborn babies with detectable heartbeats – are a “terrible thing.” Here is the full video of his comments: Trump also came out against 15-week abortion bans, saying that he would refuse to sign one if he were elected president again. 15-week bans allow more than 90% of abortions to continue and stop only a small number of late-term procedures, but Trump declared he would refuse to sign even that into law. I thought Donald Trump was on the side of pro-lifers. Has he changed his mind? Are the media or liberal advisors finally getting to him?
Will you please CLICK HERE to sign your CitizenGO “Protect Human Life” petition urging Donald Trump to support protecting innocent babies from the moment of conception?
I must tell you, I was deeply shocked by the comments that Trump made. As an activist for the pro-life cause, I couldn’t believe that he was attacking my life’s work. A Heartbeat Bill (or six week abortion ban) is the BARE MINIMUM to protect babies. Pro-lifers fought for over 50 years to overturn Roe v. Wade so that babies can be protected when they first become a human life at the moment of conception. And the progress we’ve made with Roe v. Wade overturned has been life-saving, but the pro-abortion forces are not waving the white flag yet. With Radical Leftists continuing to push abortion up until the moment of birth, I shudder to think how much harder the pro-life movement’s job will become if Donald Trump refuses to fight back, or worse, joins the Left in attacking pro-lifers in a misguided attempt to win votes. The pro-abortion Left will never be his friends, no matter how hard he tries. He must stand with the pro-life movement and help us save the lives of the unborn.
Please CLICK HERE to sign your CitizenGO “Protect Human Life” petition urging Trump to support the protection of innocent babies from the moment of conception.
You and I must urge Trump to stand with pro-lifers, instead of being manipulated by liberal advisors or the Left-wing media who are planting bad ideas in his head about life-or-death issues like abortion. They are surely telling him that if he simply panders to the Left on abortion, then he will win the support of Planned Parenthood and pro-abortion activists everywhere who will propel him into the White House. Of course, they are lying to him. Planned Parenthood and the pro-aborts will never support Trump, no matter how much he meekly bows to their demands or makes promises of “beautiful negotiations”. Trump must be awakened to the truth, or he may never realize that he is being lied to by the establishment. And without the support of millions of pro-life voters and activists, what will happen to his campaign and hope to retake the White House? That’s why I need your help right now. I know it is not too late for Trump to listen to the voices of pro-lifers across America and get right on this issue. He can make this right by coming out STRONGLY for a Life at Conception Act today.
Will you please CLICK HERE to sign your CitizenGO “Protect Human Life” petition urging Donald Trump to support protecting innocent babies from the moment of conception? And once you have signed, please share the petition with concerned friends and family so that CitizenGO can rally the pro-life movement to bring Trump back home on this life-or-death issue. Trump is at a crossroads right now. He can choose to stand with pro-lifers who have devoted their lives to saving babies from the gruesome violence of abortion, or he can stand with Planned Parenthood, the Left-wing media and the abortion industry who have hated him from Day 1 and always will. For his sake and for the sake of innocent unborn babies who deserve to live, I hope he makes the right choice. Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. I thought I’d never hear these words come out of the mouth of Donald Trump. When NBC News asked him about abortion, I thought he would come out strongly on the side of pro-lifers. But instead…he attacked everything that we have worked so hard for. He said Heartbeat Bills are a “terrible thing” and said he would never even sign a 15-week ban to stop late-term abortions. I was devastated to hear it. If Donald Trump sides with Planned Parenthood and the Left on abortion, it will be an enormous blow to our efforts to save the lives of babies. You and I must urge him to reconsider. Perhaps the voices of pro-lifers across America will be enough to remind Trump to protect innocent unborn babies from the gruesome violence of abortion.