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September 22nd, 2023


It has been another busy week at America First Legal. This week, we filed a critical brief in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in the case Doe v. Horne to defend the Arizona Save Women’s Sports Act. The Act prohibits biological males from playing on girls’ sports teams in schools. We also launched a new, multi-pronged Freedom of Information Act investigation into the origin and evolution of the COVID-19 virus, seeking records from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. 


We also filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for violating the Freedom of Information Act and failing to turn over documents to the public related to government targeting of Elon Musk and X/Twitter. Finally, we released shocking documents obtained from the University of Utah Health: Gender Management and Support Clinic regarding disturbing “transgender treatments” being administered on minors. Read about our exciting new legal efforts below!

Statement of Acquittal of AG Paxton

AFL Statement on Acquittal of Texas AG Ken Paxton


Last Saturday, America First Legal President Stephen Miller released a statement following the acquittal of Attorney General Ken Paxton by the Texas State Senate. [READ MORE]

AFL Statement on Acquittal of Texas AG Ken Paxton


Last Saturday, America First Legal President Stephen Miller released a statement following the acquittal of Attorney General Ken Paxton by the Texas State Senate. [READ MORE]

Fighting to Protect Women's Sports

America First Legal Continues to Fight to Protect the “Save Women’s Sports Act” and Stop Biological Men From Competing Against Women, Files Brief at Ninth Circuit

On Monday, America First Legal (AFL) filed in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals a friend of the court brief in the case Doe v. Horne to defend the Arizona Save Women’s Sports Act. The Act prohibits biological males from playing on girls’ sports teams in schools. [READ MORE]

Investigating COVID, Big Pharma, and the Deep State

America First Legal Expands Investigation Into COVID, Big Pharma, and Deep State Corruption

Last week, America First Legal (AFL) launched a new, multi prong Freedom of Information Act investigation into the origin and evolution of the COVID-19 virus, seeking records from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. [READ MORE]

Suing the FTC

America First Legal Sues the Federal Trade Commission for Illegally Concealing Documents on Government Targeting of Elon Musk and X/Twitter

Yesterday, America First Legal (AFL) filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for violating the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and failing to turn over documents to the public. [READ MORE]

Exposing the Realities of "Gender-affirming" Care

SMOKING GUN DOCS: America First Legal Confirms Utah Gender Clinic Knew of Deadly Side-Effects and Risks of Permanent Damage Resulting from “Transgender” Drugs Given to Children

On Wednesday, America First Legal (AFL) released shocking documents obtained from the University of Utah Health: Gender Management and Support Clinic regarding disturbing “transgender treatments” being administered on minors. [READ MORE]


DHS refuses to release data on illegal immigrants' cartel ties, citing privacy concerns

'Biden FTC faces lawsuit for suppressing Elon Musk records

Conservative legal group reveals 'disturbing' impacts of gender transition drugs and treatments on children in Utah
