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Hi John,

The day is finally here. Across England, Scotland and Wales, today we will take to the streets for the Make Polluters Pay Action Day.

Here’s how to take part – at home or in person…

1) Write to your MP

This week Rishi Sunak showed us once again why we must put justice at the heart of our response to the climate crisis. His watering down of the UK’s net zero plans was deeply irresponsible – and will endanger lives around the world by committing the UK to higher emissions for longer. 

The idea that the cost of living crisis should make us retreat from climate action is completely wrong – the money exists to support a just green transition in the UK and pay the UK’s fair share of the costs of climate loss and damage in the global south. The prime minister just needs to make corporate polluters pay for their climate-wrecking activities, rather than letting them get away with making billions in poisonous profits every year.

Westminster is discussing the fallout from this decision – and we need MPs of every party to feel the outrage in their inboxes this weekend. Some Tory MPs have even been claiming they’ve received multiple messages of support from constituents. Let’s show them how many people disagree – and want to see corporations like BP and Shell that are trashing the planet brought into the frame.

Can you write to your MP now to condemn the prime minister’s net zero u-turn and demand he makes polluters pay for the climate crisis? We need to step up our climate action ahead of the COP28 climate summit in November, not go backwards. MPs need to hear this right now.
Email your MP

2) Join us on the streets today

There are more than 25 actions taking place up and down the country today – from Totnes to Falkirk, Swansea to Thetford, it’s not too late to join.

There’s a whole range of actions happening, including demos outside banks, stalls, and petitions to local MPs. All these events are open to everyone, and the more people join, the stronger they’ll be.

If you want to join an event last minute, find out what’s happening in your local area on our map.
See what's happening
With the climate crisis deepening, and our leaders making morally bankrupt decisions in a desperate attempt to turn around the polls, we need to take action.

Together let's send Rishi Sunak a message today: instead of making disingenuous statements to garner media attention and win climate-sceptic votes, he should focus on facing up to the UK’s responsibilities, and make big polluters pay for climate loss and damage.

I hope you will join us, however you can, today.

Thanks for everything you're doing,
Jonathan Stevenson
Campaigner at Global Justice Now

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