Join us for 2 upcoming events in our fight for single-payer guaranteed health care:
1 - This Saturday, September 23rd at 12pm, we are cosponsoring a CalCare Teach-in at William Land Park. We’ll hear from guest speakers, spend time in community with fellow supporters, and hear more about the plan to advance CalCare in 2024. Food will be provided. Click here for the exact location and more details.
2 - On Sunday, October 8th at 7pm, Sacramento DSA's healthcare committee is hosting a Medicare for All/CalCare info session on a proposed resolution that our chapter will soon be voting on. This resolution would reaffirm our chapter's commitment to winning single-payer health care. RSVP here for the Zoom link.
In Solidarity,
Sacramento DSA
Resolution in Support of Medicare for All and CalCare (2023)
This resolution reaffirms our chapter's commitment to winning single-payer guaranteed health care. The resolution endorses the CalCare campaign and would allow us to send representatives to monthly CalCare Organizing Table meetings convened by the California Nurses Association to explore collaboration on organizing activities. The newest single-payer CalCare legislation is expected to be introduced in the CA Assembly in early 2024, and Sacramento will be an important location for in-person actions to advance the bill. Similar to the last resolution passed in December of 2020, this resolution goes beyond most other single-payer resolutions by calling for the eventual public ownership of all health care delivery and facilities.