Up against Tate Reeves’ million dollar ad buys.
Brandon Presley for Mississippi

Hi John,

Our end-of-quarter fundraising deadline is coming up quick—and we’ve set an ambitious goal of raising $108,000.

If you already know what’s at stake, please chip in whatever you can at this personalized link: https://act.brandonpresley.com/a/september#[email protected]

Here’s why it matters: Tate Reeves has deep-pocketed friends and a multi-million dollar budget to fund his ads full of lies. He’s using his cash advantage to smear Brandon—and we can’t afford to push back alone.

Our support comes from everyday folks, small dollar donors, and grassroots supporters. These emails are a critical part of our ability to fund TV ads disproving Tate’s lies.

And it’s working: our latest polling shows this race TIED—46% to 46%. But we can’t take our foot off the gas in this final stretch of the race. That’s why we’re asking our top supporters:

Can you use your personal link to donate right now? https://act.brandonpresley.com/a/september#[email protected]

As governor, Brandon is fighting for:
➡️ High speed internet in every Mississippi household,
➡️ Medicaid expansion and fully-funded hospitals,
➡️ Eliminating the most expensive grocery tax in the country,
➡️ Cutting car tag fees in half,
➡️ AND ending the corruption in Mississippi's government.

Tate Reeves has had over 20 years in public office—serving as Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and as State Treasurer—to help Mississippians, but has failed every step of the way. That’s why folks are still struggling to put food on the table, keep the lights on, and even find open hospitals for their medical needs.

This is why we're coming to you to ask for your support in this race. We’re less than 50 days out from Election Day—will you chip in to help us keep up with Tate Reeves’ spending and win this race?

Here’s your personal link one last time, John: https://act.brandonpresley.com/a/september#[email protected]

Thank you for your support,
Team Brandon




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