From Ruben Gallego <[email protected]>
Subject Let’s do something nice
Date September 22, 2023 9:42 PM
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These campaigns can get so negative sometimes.

I think it’d be nice if we could do something for Senator Sinema.

She and her team are looking at their numbers right now. They’re doing a lot of math, trying to figure out if they can raise the kind of money they need to win this race.

What if we told them they could stop?

What if we put up such a big number in our next, official, totally public FEC report that it convinces Sinema and her team that they can’t possibly win?

She could cancel her campaign before it starts. She could go off to Davos again. She could do another internship at a winery and hang out with all her billionaire pals as much as she wants.

Wouldn’t that be nice? I think so.

Help us make it happen.

Chip in today before our FEC deadline. It will help us win this campaign. It will send Kyrsten Sinema into retirement, and help us get to work in the Senate.

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Thanks. I appreciate this.

I’m sure Senator Sinema will, too.


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