John –

Dan Crenshaw here. This week, I called out the hypocrisy of the Biden Administration for claiming to want to end the student loan crisis and eradicate cancer, yet implementing policies that will have the opposite effect on both fronts. I also highlighted everything wrong with Michael Bloomberg’s new $500 million assault campaign on American energy security. 

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Now, here’s your campaign brief:
President Biden is correct that the middle class, and no one for that matter, should be burdened with a college tuition debt that follows them for decades. But his solution – “canceling” the debt of people who willingly took it on – is dead wrong. Here’s how you fix the student loan crisis: 

1. Cutting DEI waste and administrative bureaucracy. Higher education is spending more on bureaucracy than on teaching. At public 4-year schools in 2010, 32% of expenses were for instruction. In 2021, instructional spending dropped to just 27%.

At private schools, spending on administrative costs was also higher than instruction. This is a problem: tuition is rising, but schools are spending less and less on actually *teaching* our kids. Yale even has a 1:1 administrator to undergraduate ratio — each student gets their own bureaucrat.

2. Incentivizing students to major in meaningful, economically sound degrees that are worth the return on investment. A recent study estimates that almost 1/3 of bachelor’s degree programs yield a negative return on investment, meaning that students are worse off financially.

3. Holding large taxpayer-funded institutions accountable for the tremendous tax burden of our current system would arguably fix a lot. Between 1980 and 2020, the average price of tuition, fees, room, and board for an undergraduate degree increased by nearly 180%. Why? The more loans and grant aid a college student and their family get, the more they are willing to pay for tuition —allowing colleges to set higher rates of tuition. It’s a perverse cycle. “Canceling” student loan debt doesn’t realign incentives and address the root cause of ballooning college costs.
Michael Bloomberg’s latest conquest: ramping up attacks on the domestic petrochemical industry — and pledging an additional $500 million to his anti-hydrocarbon campaign.

These attacks against the petrochemical industry are misguided and extremely dangerous to the economic well-being of the country. Here’s why:

These petrochemicals are a key driver of SO many parts of our domestic economy. Everything from industrial manufacturing, clothing, consumer electronics, cosmetics, pharmaceutical devices, and plastics. Aka: everything you’re wearing, the phone you’re reading this on, and even the chair you’re (probably) sitting in.

Ironically, some of these chemicals are even used in the production of “green energy” that the left idolizes, such as electric vehicles, wind turbines, and solar panels.

Equally important, these petrochemicals are key to fertilizers that are critical to our food supply — we literally couldn’t feed our country without them.

What makes Bloomberg’s efforts even worse is that attacking domestic petrochemical producers will simply drive industry and jobs overseas to places like China and Mexico — countries with way less strict environmental protections than we have here.

So here’s the bottom line — eliminating petrochemicals will have clear, damning effects: fewer American jobs, increased dependence on countries like China, and lack of environmental improvements.
The Biden Administration is using Childhood Cancer Month to tout their goal of eradicating cancer with “Cancer Moonshoot,” while actively implementing policies that do the exact opposite.

The price controls in the “Inflation Reduction Act” (IRA) have caused at least two dozen drug makers to shrink their research, directly limiting future innovation and cures. How? The IRA disincentives pharmaceutical companies from investing research and development into small molecule drugs - which are usually created to fight cancer - and into biologics. Even worse, because pediatric cancer drugs rely on an adult cancer drug being approved first, and the IRA takes away the incentive for any of these follow-on approvals, the kids are going to suffer the most.

The truth is we will never be able to fully comprehend the impact of Biden's price controls because it’s impossible to know what was never invented. You’d think it would be common knowledge that incentive drives innovation — but apparently not.

We need more research, more cures, and more treatments, but this administration is doing the exact opposite by disincentivizing drug makers through their restrictive and misguided policies.

Protecting innovation is truly life or death, and I hope my Democrat colleagues work with us to protect future medical advances.
Robert Menendez, the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has just been indicted by the Department of Justice on damning bribery charges — these bribes include cash, gold, payments towards a home mortgage, a luxury vehicle, and other foreign bribe.

According to the indictment, Menendez and his wife received “hundreds of thousands of dollars” total in these bribes, and the Senator used his influence to enrich the Egyptian government. The evidence is pretty incriminating — federal agents found thousands of dollars stuffed into envelopes and hidden in closets and jackets bearing Menendez’s name throughout his home.

Also straight out of an episode of Veep, Menendez apparently googled “how much is one kilo of gold worth?” after returning from one trip to Egypt.

This isn’t a happy political moment. This is terrible. This erodes trust where there was already so little of it. People think this is the norm when it isn’t, and it erodes our ability to conduct proper foreign policy. These kind of actions are terrible for our democracy, and terrible for our foreign policy interests.
That’s it for this week’s campaign brief. Thank you for reading and staying informed. Have a great weekend!
In Service,
Dan Crenshaw

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