Recently, our team wrote to you about Justice Amy Coney Barrett's statement in which she welcomed public scrutiny of the Supreme Court.
Support for the Supreme Court has reached historic lows after last year's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. The primary reason for this waning support? Americans know that this conservative-majority, Republican-appointed Court has demonstrated over and over again that it will prioritize partisan politics above the health, safety, and fundamental rights of millions of Americans.
So give our recent email a read, John, and then take our survey to join the wave of pro-choice activists making our voices heard:
Do you approve of the Supreme Court?
Thank you,
the EMILYs List team
----------Original Message---------
From: EMILYs List
Sent: Thurs., Sept. 21, 2023
Do you approve of the Supreme Court?
Following the first anniversary of the devastating Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, public trust in our nation's highest court has reached historic lows. This news comes as no surprise when nearly all of the Republican-appointed, ultraconservative justices are facing ethics scandals and putting politics before the will of the American people.
Just last month, when answering questions about waning support for the Court, Justice Amy Coney Barrett said, "Public scrutiny [of the Court] is welcome." Our response, John? We're more than happy to provide it.
Join the *millions* of Democratic pro-choice activists making their voices heard by answering our short survey:
Do you approve of the Supreme Court?
Thank you,
the EMILYs List team