Today’s the day, folks – it’s the first chance you have to cast your vote in Virginia’s historic legislative elections.
This is the moment we’ve been building up to with our Majority Project. For months, I’ve been working with my fellow Democratic leaders in Virginia and over 100 committed paid organizers to knock on doors and canvas in every district of the state, making sure that every person in Virginia is armed with the knowledge they need to vote early.
And now we’re finally here: Day one of early in-person voting. So before I ask you to pitch in to fuel our efforts to get voters to the polls these next few weeks, I want to remind you:
The last day to register to vote is October 16th! Not sure of your registration status? Need to find your polling place? All of that can be done HERE.

Now that early in-person voting has begun, this is our opportunity to prove to the GOP that when Democrats invest in our ground game and prioritize grassroots supporters like you, nothing can stop us. And with every single seat in the General Assembly up for grabs, every Virginian we can talk to and turn out to vote, counts.
My team and I are officially on a non-stop get-out-the-vote train. If you can, chip in $5 today so we can continue knocking on doors, informing voters, and getting Virginians to the polls.
Thank you,