Sign the petition to demand urgent action to save child care and support working parents.
Dear fellow MoveOn member,
Time is running out, and we need your immediate support! The future of child care, a lifeline for countless families, hangs in the balance. As you read this, crucial funding for child care is perilously close to expiration, and our children's well-being is on the line. We can’t let that happen!
During the pandemic, Congress allocated over $52 billion to support the child care system, ensuring that more than 220,000 child care providers could stay afloat.1 This funding provided stability to countless parents who depend on quality child care to support their families. Now, more than 3.2 million children are facing the possibility of losing their child care spots when federal stabilization funding expires on September 30.2
Sign the petition and join us in urging Congress to fix the child care crisis!
This critical funding has been a lifeline for countless families, enabling them to access quality child care while allowing parents to maintain their jobs and provide for their households. However, the impending expiration of this funding poses a severe threat to our child care system. Without immediate congressional action, we could witness the closure of 70,000 child care centers.3 This would force parents into impossible situations as they struggle to balance work and caring for their children. It's a crisis we cannot afford to ignore.
For many parents, making ends meet each month is already a tremendous challenge. The end of crucial pandemic relief has resulted in a cascade of difficulties, including rising grocery and gas prices, the resumption of student loan payments, and unexpected Medicaid disenrollments. Losing access to affordable and reliable child care would add an unbearable burden to the list.
We are calling on Congress to take immediate action by passing the Child Care Stabilization Act. This legislation would authorize $16 billion per year in emergency funding, ensuring the survival of the child care sector and preventing an impending crisis that could devastate families across the nation. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that no child loses access to quality child care.
Be part of the solution—sign the petition to secure child care funding for our children.
–Allison Johnson, Parents Together
1. “Childcare is about to get even more expensive at the end of September unless Congress acts,” Insider, June 3, 2023
2. “What to Know About the Expiration of Federal Emergency Childcare Funding,” Time, September 15, 2023
3. “70K daycares in danger of closing, jobs for women at risk,” New York Post, September 6, 2023
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Want to support MoveOn's work? Book bans have skyrocketed thanks to right-wing state laws which have forced teachers to remove books from their classrooms. In response, MoveOn is launching a "Banned Bookmobile," filling it with books that the far right has banned, and driving it around to hand out those books, for free, in highly trafficked areas that will attract media attention. To keep the Banned Bookmobile up and running into 2024, we need your help.
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PAID FOR BY MOVEON POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. MoveOn Political Action - PO Box 96142, Washington, D.C. 20090-6142.
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