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On September 22, 1983, I gave my life to Jesus and since then I've never been the same.
I’m so blessed to be a Christian – to have Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior.
I was on a football scholarship, a very small football scholarship, at Presbyterian College. I was at a Fellowship of Christian Athletes meeting when I realized my love for Christ. I had a horrible car accident the year before during my football season. I lost the crucial first six weeks of my senior season because I fell asleep driving at the wheel and flipped my mom’s car on the interstate.
When I got hurt, I thought my life was over because football was my life and Jesus was just a game. But when I became a Christian, I realized I had it inverted. Jesus was my life, and football was just a game!
As a kid raised in poverty, in a single-parent household, I always wanted a father's acceptance. I always wanted to be defined by my family lineage. And what I found in my faith was I was adopted into the Family. If I wanted to know more about my Abba Father, I could read His good book called the Bible, and I could discover all that He said about me. But more importantly, all that He said about himself and all that He is.
Faith is always a personal journey towards discovery, relationship, and becoming more like Jesus, not success. Faith isn't about comfort or independence - it's about growth and dependence on Him!
What's missing in our public life so often are the values embedded in our faith. Attacks on the Christian faith and religious liberty have never been more harsh. We're rewarding teaching sex education to a kindergarten class while we’re firing the coach who prays after a ballgame.
Our country is founded upon a Judeo-Christian rock. Our rights don't come from a government. They're unalienable. They come from a Creator.
And if we focus our attention back towards the Gospel, I think we'd solve a lot of problems in our nation. We must preserve the ability to worship as we see fit and take our values with us wherever we go. If we want a better America, I think it starts with faith in God and faith in each other.
I believe America can do for anyone what she has done for me. We have the opportunity to restore hope, create opportunities, and protect the America that we love, but we need to take advantage of it.
It is a blessing from God and the American people that, as a kid raised in poverty by a single-parent mama, I now have the opportunity to represent our nation and to restore the clear values that come from the Gospel and just good old-fashioned common sense.
I'm running for president because I have faith in the future of this great nation. And today, I’m humbly asking for your support. Will you please make a donation to help me restore faith in America and defend our values?
Your support is truly a blessing.
Thank you,
7620 Rivers Ave, Ste. 370 #312
North Charleston, SC 29406
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