2023 Congressional App Challenge: We are pleased to announce that our office will be hosting the Congressional App Challenge (CAC) this year! This is the first time our office will be hosting the competition designed to encourage student participation in computer science and coding.
The Congressional App Challenge allows students to compete against their peers by creating an application (App) for any device (desktop/PC, web, tablet, mobile, raspberry Pi, etc.). We accept any programming language such as C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, or "block code."
Middle and High school students may compete in teams of up to four people of which at least half of the team must live or go to school in the district. Students entering the competition must submit their app to CongressionalAppChallenge.us by November 1st, 2023.
For more information, please visit the official Congressional App Challenge website at CongressionalAppChallenge.us.