We brought receipts. How do you like THEM apples?!




Last year we released some information about Lauren Boebert’s alleged use of illegal drugs — and at the time, Boebert and her swarm of MAGA trolls readily accused us of not providing enough support for our claims, and not revealing our sources.


Boebert even went so far as to threaten us with a lawsuit. (No suit has been filed, and as it would be meritless, we don’t expect one.)


Today I just want to ask her and every right wing troll who harassed our team one thing: Do you like apples?


Here is a link that provides two audio clips of conversations with our sources in which they verify that they personally witnessed Lauren Boebert use illicit drugs at different times in her past. 

Boebert had the gall to threaten us with a lawsuit for revealing true facts about her, in an obvious effort to silence our team and deter our sources and any future sources from speaking out.


And she is doing it even now, asking the judge presiding over our defamation lawsuit against Boebert to help her conceal the truth by prohibiting discovery, a standard and expected part of any legal action.


We are fighting this cynical effort to suppress truthful information, but we need your help to pay for the costs of getting to the discovery phase of this lawsuit. I know we say all the time we're under attack, but this is just one example. Boebert wants us to stop digging and is hoping that we’ll give up and buckle under the pressure.


We will not relent — but we need your help to keep pushing back and ultimately to force Boebert to swear under oath that what we said was untrue, which would be obvious perjury, or to admit we were right on the record. Anything you can give to support this important work will be a huge help:

You are crucial to the success of our legal and political fight to hold Lauren Boebert accountable.


In Gratitude,


David B. Wheeler 
American Muckrakers PAC, Inc.


To contribute via check, please address to: 



 Spruce Pine, NC


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