Supporter, Across the nation far-right activists have been infiltrating school boards and public libraries in an attempt to rid bookshelves of content that doesn’t align with their extremist agenda. And for months, People For has fought back against these efforts by calling attention to them on a national level, and deploying resources to empower advocates in local communities to defeat these attacks. At People For, we believe that literature has the power to inspire, challenge, and change the world. That's why we're thrilled to announce the launch of our Banned Book Week Reading Challenge, and we invite you to be a part of this exciting initiative starting October 1. Learn more about Banned Books Week, our reading challenge, and sign up today to participate! >> Every book you read during the challenge gives you one “point,” and points can be traded in for free “Grandparents For Truth” swag! Here’s How You Can Join the Challenge:
By participating in the Banned Book Reading Challenge, you'll not only enjoy some remarkable literature but also take a stand for freedom of expression and the power of ideas. Let's celebrate the authors who have dared to challenge the status quo and the readers who continue to champion their work. Sign up today and be a part of the reading challenge! >> We hope you’ll join us, Alana Byrd