Wisconsin’s Crooked Maps

Newsweek featured an op-ed from the Center for Media and Democracy’s Executive Director Arn Pearson and True North Research’s Evan Vorpahl that highlighted the growing crisis of democracy in Wisconsin

Newly elected Justice Janet Protasiewicz — who has made it clear that she would take a hard look at the constitutionality of Wisconsin’s incredibly gerrymandered maps — won a decisive victory over her extremist opponent earlier this year. 

That’s bad news for a political party whose grip on power depends on those crooked maps.

In an unprecedented move, Republican Assembly Speaker Robin Vos has indicated that he wants to impeach Protasiewicz — no doubt in order to prevent her from hearing a case challenging the extremely partisan maps that Vos helped create.

This strategy — Wisconsin Republicans using their ill-gotten gains in the state house to further entrench their own undemocratic power — further erases the voices of Wisconsin voters, Arn and Evan write. Since the Wisconsin GOP’s dark-money funded operation “REDMAP” in 2010, the state has moved from being one of the most democratic to one of the worst, with its crooked maps handing supermajority control to Republicans despite Democrats winning more statewide races.  

“Clearly, the one thing Wisconsin GOP leaders fear most is facing voters on a fair playing field,” Arn and Evan write.

Read the full story over at Newsweek.

And Don't Miss This Upcoming Event

Next Tuesday, CMD is co-hosting a webinar on the threat of a far right constitutional convention with the American Constitution Society and Common Cause.

Come hear CMD’s Executive Director Arn Pearson, former Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold, Duke University historian Nancy MacLean, and California Common Cause’s Jonathan Mehta Stein discuss the latest development on the stealth campaign by ALEC and right-wing extremists to rewrite the U.S. Constitution.

Attendance is free, so please join us!

We hope to see you there,

CMD Team


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