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Hi John,


Profit over people and planet. That’s the message Rishi Sunak sent this week when he ripped up plans to get us to net-zero.


Sunak put the brakes on banning petrol and diesel cars and delayed insulating homes [1][2]. It’s a con that rolling back plans will help ordinary people like you and I. Sunak isn't offering honesty or a brighter future - he's putting his oil and gas cronies first once again. We need a government that puts the health of people and the planet before the profits of fossil fuel giants.


That’s why I’m asking for your support today. A general election is around the corner and it’s our best shot at winning serious climate action [3]. Greenpeace is uniting the British public to push the next government – whoever it is – to take climate change seriously. But we can’t do it alone. 


Will you join us with a donation today to help mobilise 1 million Climate Voters?

Over the next year, we’ll work with people across the UK to show politicians that taking climate action is a priority for millions of us. Street by street, town by town, we’re going to recruit over a million Climate Voters [4] through mass door-knocking.


It won’t be easy and it’s a long road ahead, which is why we need your committed support today to help make this a reality.


Will you join us with a donation today?

When we stand together, our voices are louder. We must show this government and all political party leaders that climate is a top priority. We cannot let Rishi and his government roll back vital climate policies.


We all want the same thing. Lower cost of living, warmer homes, better and more affordable transport, reliable jobs, a strong NHS, breathable air and a liveable planet. We need leaders who are ready to unleash the solutions to the climate crisis and the benefits they can bring to us all. We must keep pressuring them to stop fuelling climate chaos. But we can't do it alone. 


With your support we can keep pushing for change. Your contribution, no matter how small, can make a significant difference.


We won’t let the government take us for fools - it’s time to demand better.


Thank you, 


Mel Evans

Climate team



[1] Rishi Sunak considers weakening key green policies

[2] Rishi Sunak delays petrol car ban in major shift on green policies

[3] A vote for the climate is a vote to fix everything that’s wrong with the UK – here’s why

[4] Join Project Climate Vote



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