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Dear John,
The transportation sector in the U.S. is the largest contributor of carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas, in the nation. We have got to cut down on our greenhouse gas emissions – with the effects of climate change and air pollution worsening every day.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has released updated Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards – a major opportunity to slash emissions coming from our tailpipes. Under the newly proposed standards, automakers must boost fuel efficiency in passenger cars and light-duty vehicles every year through 2032 – preventing more than 900 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions – the equivalent of taking over 233 million vehicles off the road between 2022 and 2050.
In addition to curbing climate-crisis-fueling greenhouse gases, these updated standards could have direct health impacts on neighborhoods that have been choking on transportation pollution from highways and busy roads, which have historically and disproportionately cut through low-income communities of color. Residents near these major corridors have shouldered the brunt of health risks that come with these environmental injustices.
The NHTSA is accepting public comments on the standards right now, and you can submit one today in support of slashing our tailpipe pollution. Tell the NHTSA that we need to enact the most stringent fuel economy standards possible! Take action today —our communities and planet can't wait.
Thank you for taking action,
CREDO Mobile

At CREDO Mobile, we’ve teamed up with five amazing groups to launch the CREDO Climate Project, an initiative aimed at combating climate change and protecting the people most vulnerable to it, defending wildlife and driving political policy that puts our future first, not short-term profits.
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