
I am devastated by the attacks this weekend in El Paso and Dayton. 31 Americans woke up on Saturday morning with plans for the week, jobs, lives, families, and friends. And now, they’re gone forever.

No matter what Republicans tell you, this didn’t happen because of mental health and it didn’t happen because of violent video games. It’s happened Republicans in Congress are too afraid of the NRA to get weapons of war off our streets, and too cowardly to take a stand against the white nationalist hatred that Donald Trump spews from the Oval Office every day.

Donald Trump has called Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals. He has said that immigrants are invading our country. He refers to majority minority cities as “infested.” He tells black and brown American Congresswomen to leave the country. Simply put, he spews white nationalist hate every day, his supporters spread it online, and Fox News repeats it over and over again.

This rhetoric has inspired violence from people like Cesar Sayoc, who was just sentenced to 20 years in prison for mailing bombs to Democrats and members of the media. And it was echoed by the killer in El Paso, whose white nationalist manifesto mirrored some of Trump’s tweets.

What’s more? Donald Trump cancelled funding for a group that fights white supremacist terrorism—the biggest domestic threat facing Americans today.

So John, I have three asks of you today to make a difference.

  1. Sign our petition to pressure Mitch McConnell to call for a vote in the Senate on background checks.
  2. Make a donation to Moms Demand Action—a group that has worked tirelessly and effectively to build support for ending gun violence.
  3. Donate to the Senate campaign of your choosing. Because if we’re going to change this country and hold Trump accountable, we need to win—and win everywhere.

Whatever you do, do something. We have to fix this, and anything you do will make a difference.

My heart is with El Paso and Dayton.
