8 Words
President Biden is exactly right. "Now is not the time to be complacent"... and certainly not when Democrats have to defend 23 seats in the U.S. Senate.
**And John, things aren't sitting pretty right now. Major pollsters are favoring MAGA Republicans to takeover the Senate by a margin of +16%!**
[**We must heed President Biden's advice and ACT NOW! Rush any amount you can immediately to help Democrats across the country defend the Senate!**]([link removed])
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We must not lose the entire Legislative Branch to fall under MAGA control.
-No Dem Left Behind
🏛️ Defend the Senate 🏛️
No Dem Left Behind PAC
80M St. SE Suite 100
Washington D.C. 20003
Paid for by No Dem Left Behind PAC.
Not authorized by any federal candidate or candidate's committee.
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