From Ruben Gallego for Arizona <[email protected]>
Subject Kari Lake is Set to Announce Her Campaign
Date September 21, 2023 9:48 PM
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Can’t say it any plainer than that, FIRST.

Kari Lake is set to announce her campaign SOON. When she does, we have a real race on our hands.

This race is bigger than Ruben Gallego vs. Kari Lake.

This race is bigger than Republicans vs. Democrats.

This race is to save our democracy from the charlatans, the conspiracy theorists, the election deniers, the insurrectionists — because Kari Lake is the MAGA Queen, and she will carry their flag all the way to the Senate.

We beat her in 2022. Ruben can beat her again — for good — in 2024. But he can’t do this without you. Never could. He needs your help, right now.

Please, chip in $ASK and support Ruben Gallego’s Senate campaign in Arizona before our FEC deadline. The stakes are too high to leave this up to chance.

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We really need you.

Thank you for your support.

Team Gallego

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