For Immediate Release: September 21, 2023 Contact: Grace Hoge [email protected]
Census Survey: Nearly 250,000 Kansans without Health Coverage
~~ Kansas Rate of Uninsured Per Capita Surpasses U.S. Rate for Second Year ~~
TOPEKA – The U.S. Census Bureau recently released its American Community Survey 1-year estimates, indicating nearly 250,000 Kansans lack health insurance. The survey reflects data collected in 2022 to assess health insurance coverage rates across Kansas and the United States.
For the second consecutive year, Kansas’ uninsured rate for working-age adults surpassed the national rate. Kansas’ rate was 12.5% compared to the U.S. at 11.3%.
Governor Kelly announced yesterday that her top priority for this coming legislative session is Medicaid expansion by kicking off her “Healthy Workers, Healthy Economy” tour. Medicaid expansion would give thousands of working Kansans access to affordable health care.
“While 40 other states have expanded Medicaid, Kansas continues to lag behind the nation in health care coverage because the legislative has yet to accept the federal funding – which Kansans have already paid for through taxes – needed to get more workers insured,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “That’s unacceptable. Kansans should call their legislator and urge them to expand Medicaid this upcoming legislative session.”
Prior to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act by other states, the rate of Kansans with health care coverage was better than the nation. Since the Legislature hasn’t expanded Medicaid, the rate of uninsured Kansans has trended closer to or exceeded the national uninsured rate.
 Graph courtesy of the Kansas Health Institute.