Wages have been stagnant in Canada for
decades, and it’s no accident.
No, it’s a coordinated
effort between our super rich elites, big corporations, and our
It might sound like a crazy conspiracy
theory, but it’s not. Let me explain.
Wages are
supposed to be determined in a free market, depending on the supply
and demand of labour—that is to say the amount of people looking for
jobs, and the amount of businesses looking to hire.
If there
is insufficient supply of potential workers, because most people are
gainfully employed, then businesses must compete for labour by
increasing wages.
Alternatively, if a job is unpleasant and
there are not enough Canadian workers willing to do it, wages must
increase until more people are willing to do the work.
In a proper free market, wages naturally increase to
compete for workers.
But mass immigration completely
undermines this natural adjustment.
It floods the market with
excessive workers, enabling businesses to offer lower wages as now
workers are competing with each other for jobs instead of businesses
competing with each other for workers.
It’s a race to
the bottom.
And it’s no coincidence that this
benefits those at the top, super rich elites and big corporations.
They have a vested interest in driving down wages to make their
businesses more profitable.
Elites rig the game in their
favour. They donate to political parties and politicians that support
mass immigration. They hire teams of lobbyists to ensure the consensus
around mass immigration stays intact.
Instead of
pushing back and defending their constituents, our cowardly corrupt
politicians gaslight Canadians that mass immigration is necessary for
economic growth, but it’s all a lie!
Mass immigration
is the single greatest threat to Canadians’ quality of life, and all
the major parties—the Liberals, NDP and
Poilievre’s Conservatives—are in complete agreement.
They all want to continue to increase
immigration quotas each year, regardless of the impact it has on
native born Canadians.
Our parents and grandparents
used to be able to afford a home and support their families on a
single income.
Now, our birth rate is crumbling
because Canadians have no economic stability. We can hardly afford to
get by, let alone support a family. And don’t even get me started on
home ownership!
And then corrupt politicians use our
decreasing birthrate to justify more immigration! The cycle continues!
Fortunately, the tides are turning on this issue. It’s
very different from when I started raising concerns about mass
immigration in the 2019 election.
Recent opinion
polls show that an increasing number of Canadians—a majority even—want
lower immigration numbers.
There is more and more coverage in
mainstream media sources about the negative impacts of mass
The consensus is crumbling.
The next step is to elect strong voices to the House of
Commons to push back against mass immigration more directly in the
political arena.
The PPC is the only party willing to
have honest conversations on immigration. All we need is a few PPC MPs
in Ottawa to expose these anti-Canadian, elitist, anti-workers
Help me fight mass immigration with a $10
donation today!
Thank you,
P.S.: If you have trouble finding where you can donate,
you can just click this link!