Hi, Jane Fonda here. I know that you probably receive all sorts of emails selling you products or asking for your support in one way or another. I know that can be overwhelming at times, and it can be difficult to decide which organizations you want to devote your time and energy to.
While so many organizations treat their supporters as a source of income and nothing else, my team and I want to ensure that this relationship honors your time and respects your input. To me, that means giving you an opportunity to share your thoughts directly with me and my team, but also to let us know if you’d rather stop receiving emails like this from us.
My team set up a page you can find on the link below where you can send me a message, and I would like to invite you to use it. I can’t promise that I will be able to reply to every message, but I can promise you that I’ll receive them.
Send a message today!
I hope to hear from you! But as I mentioned, I also want to be respectful of your time and your inbox. If you would like to stop receiving emails like this from us or to receive only the most important emails, we’d like to know that as well. Let us know using one of the options below:
Receive Fewer Emails